Customer Testimonials

Yes, we get it. We get countless calls and emails everyday about our prices. Customers, very similar to you, can’t believe we can sell ultrasonic tips for only $20 when competitors are selling similar tips for well over $80.

Further, customers can’t get over our disposable, plastic Finishing File that only costs $8 per six pack. To assuage your concerns, this is just a handful of testimonials from satisfied customers across our country. If you’re still not sold, we’ll gladly connect you with a satisfied customer – you can ask them directly.

Journal of Conservative Dentistry 2010 Apr-Jun; 13(2): 89-93:

“The improved result could be because of the unique file design enables the new endodontic polymer-based rotary finishing file to agitate sodium hypochlorite and remove remaining dentinal wall debris without further enlarging the canal. From this research, it is evident that plastic files promise a brilliant future in finishing of root canal walls.”

Brett E. Gilbert, D.D.S.  – Diplomate, American Board of Endodontics:

“I have been waiting for an ultrasonic tip to be introduced that would provide me the performance I am accustomed to at a more reasonable price. The tün® tip is what I have been waiting for. The clinical performance is on par with the tips I currently use and the price is $20. These tips are a true value at this price point. Equal performance at a fraction of the price is a winning combination for my practice.”

Dr. Roy Kaldestad:

“I’ve tried every ultrasonic tip that has been made and have always felt that as an Endodontist, ultrasonic tips are the most overprice supply I use. Fortunately, the people at Engineered Endodontics have developed the tün tips. They are reasonably priced and perform to the same standards as the tips I was using previously and paying 4 to 5 times as much for. I thought that these less expensive tips would not last as long either, but so far I have been pleasantly surprised with how long they are lasting. Now, I’m just hoping the people at Engineered Endodontics can make a reasonably priced rotary file!”

Endodontic Resident:

“I will definitely be using these over other companies due to the price and how well they work!!”

Dr. Mike Gaynor:

“The tips are similar to the $100 version. They work exactly the same. A great value for the money.”

Daniel Ehrich, D.D.S, MS.  – Diplomate, American Board of Endodontics:

“I tried out the new tün E2 ultrasonic tip and was very pleased with how well it cut dentin. I will certainly be buying the E2 tip from now on and would like to congratulate Engineered Endo on this product.”